London Wedding videographer & photographer
Marryoke videos and other alternative wedding videosHi, in this wedding videographer blog I’m going to talk about the range of other short films associated with your Wedding day, including the ‘Story so far’ or ‘How they met’ and the ‘Marryoke’ music video. These videos make a fantastic additional to the celebrations, either as truly unique memento or keepsake or if you’re feeling a bit more adventurous a special touch to the evening entertainment on the day.
Review of Hedsor House.
First of all, to be clear this is not going to be a standard wedding venue review. This will be from the videographer’s perspective, and will not be covering the cost, capacity or customer service of the venue. In this review will be talking through what it was like to film here and what you can expect from your wedding videographer, and therefore in turn your wedding video at this venue. The aim of this is for couples planning a wedding to get the best out of their wedding videoography, whoever you hire for as your videographer. So you're debating whether or not to chose a wedding videographer? |
Wedding videography and Photography BlogChrisDirector at Filmmakers of London CategoriesArchives
November 2021
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